Ben Cossey on Wolfgang Gullich, Punks in the Gym and the Lightweight Baby


Ben Cossey on Wolfgang and Punks in the Gym


There’s really no debate. In the pantheon of Wolfgang Gullich frothers, there is no person who is as much a frother as Australian superstar Ben Cossey. In May of 2024, Ben made the first ascent of a long-standing project at Mt. Arapiles in Australia, Lightweight Baby, finally finishing what became the hardest pitch in the area - and within sight of Wolfgang’s route, Punks in the Gym.

In this episode we get into what makes Arapiles special, the history of Punks and the Birdbath, a wiggle sneak to Wallstreet, and then we come back to Araps to discuss Lightweight Baby.



Hannes Huch on Community in the Frankenjura, Wolfgang Gullich and Kurt Albert


Wolfgang Gullich is a Punk in the Gym