Jesse Guthrie on Wolfgang Gullich, Kurt Albert and Climbing in the 80s


Jesse Guthrie on Wolfgang Gullich


As I was researching Wolfgang, I would regularly come across candid photos taken inside the house he shared with Kurt Albert, and of course I read every story about Wolfgang I could find. In those photos and those stories, I often came across an American name - Jesse Guthrie. I had to try to find him and get him on the show.

He was one of the people on the leading edge of sport climbing when it was first coming into existence, and established the first 5.13s in Alabama and one of the first 5.14’s in the country with Tour de Jour at Yellow Bluff. Jesse is now living in the Czech Republic with his wife and children, teaches English, writes books, plays music and yes, still climbs.

In this episode we get into both Wolfgang and Kurt, what it was like traveling with them, how the ethics were evolving, Jesse’s time as a rodeo cowboy, and more.





Andrea Hah on Punks in the Gym, Arapiles, and Confidence


Hannes Huch on Community in the Frankenjura, Wolfgang Gullich and Kurt Albert